Quotations by Subject - Letter : A to Z
Letter : A to Z - Quotes by subject
Browse subjects - Alphabetic subject List : A to ZClick a subject to view the Quotes.
Ability | 
Abortion | 
Absence | 
Abstinence | 
Absurdity | 
Abundance | 
Abuse | 
Academia | 
Acceptance | 
Accidents | 
Accuracy | 
Achievement | 
Acquaintance | 
Acting and Actors | 
Action | 
Adaptability | 
Addiction | 
Admiration | 
Adolescence | 
Adultery | 
Adulthood | 
Advantage | 
Adventure | 
Adversity | 
Advertising | 
Advice | 
Affectation | 
Affection | 
Affirmation | 
Affliction | 
Age and Aging | 
Agents | 
Aggression | 
Agreement | 
Aid and Assistance | 
Airplane and Aviation | 
Alcohol and Alcoholism | 
Alienation | 
Alimony | 
Alliances | 
Altruism | 
Ambiguity | 
Ambition | 
America | 
Amiability | 
Amusement | 
Analysis | 
Anarchism | 
Ancestry | 
Anecdotes | 
Angels | 
Anger | 
Animals | 
Anniversaries | 
Anticipation | 
Antipathy | 
Anxiety | 
Apathy | 
Aphorisms and Epigrams | 
Apologies | 
Appearance | 
Appetite | 
Applause | 
Appraisal | 
Appreciation | 
Approval | 
Archaeologist | 
Architecture | 
Argument | 
Aristocracy | 
Arms Race | 
Army and Navy | 
Arrogance | 
Arts and Artists | 
Asceticism | 
Ask | 
Assassination | 
Assertiveness | 
Assets | 
Association | 
Astrology | 
Astronomy | 
Atheism | 
Athlete | 
Attachment | 
Attitude | 
Audiences | 
Authority | 
Autobiography | 
Automobiles | 
Autonomy | 
Autumn | 
Averages | 
Awards | 
Awareness | 
Babies | 
Baby Sitters | 
Bachelor | 
Baldness | 
Banality | 
Bankers and Banking | 
Bargains | 
Baseball | 
Basketball | 
Battles | 
Beards | 
Beauty | 
Bed | 
Beggars | 
Beginning | 
Behavior | 
Belief | 
Benefactors | 
Bereavement | 
Betrayal | 
Bicycles | 
Bigotry | 
Bills | 
Biography | 
Birds | 
Birth | 
Birth Control | 
Birthdays | 
Blame | 
Blasphemy | 
Blindness | 
Blood | 
Blush | 
Body | 
Bohemia | 
Boldness | 
Books - Bestsellers | 
Books - Classics | 
Books - Reading | 
Bores and Boredom | 
Borrowing | 
Bosses and Employees | 
Boxing | 
Boys | 
Bragging | 
Brevity | 
Broadway | 
Brotherhood | 
Buddhism | 
Budgets | 
Burdens | 
Bureaucracy | 
Burial | 
Business | 
Busyness | 
Calamity | 
Cancer | 
Candor | 
Capitalism | 
Caprice | 
Cards | 
Careers | 
Caring | 
Catholicism | 
Cats | 
Causes | 
Caution | 
Celebration | 
Celibacy | 
Cemeteries | 
Censorship | 
Censure | 
Ceremony | 
Certainty | 
Challenges | 
Chance | 
Change | 
Chaos | 
Character | 
Charity | 
Charm | 
Chastity | 
Cheating | 
Cheerfulness | 
Chemistry | 
Chess | 
Childhood | 
Children | 
Choice | 
Christians and Christianity | 
Christmas | 
Churches | 
Cinema | 
Circumstance | 
Cities and City Life | 
Citizenship | 
Civil Rights | 
Civilization | 
Class | 
Cleverness | 
Cloning | 
Club | 
Coaches and Coaching | 
Colleges and Universities | 
Color | 
Comedy and Comedians | 
Comfort | 
Commitment | 
Committees and Meetings | 
Common Sense | 
Commonplace | 
Communication | 
Communism and Socialism | 
Communities | 
Commuters | 
Company | 
Comparisons | 
Compassion | 
Compatibility | 
Compensation | 
Competency | 
Competition | 
Complacency | 
Complaints and Complaining | 
Complexity | 
Compliments | 
Compromise | 
Computers | 
Conceit | 
Concentration | 
Concepts | 
Conditioning | 
Confession | 
Confidence | 
Conflict | 
Conformity | 
Confusion | 
Congress | 
Conquest | 
Conscience | 
Consciousness | 
Consensus | 
Consequences | 
Conservatives | 
Consistency | 
Conspiracy | 
Constitutions | 
Consultants | 
Contemplation | 
Contentment | 
Contradiction | 
Contrast | 
Control | 
Controversy | 
Convalescence | 
Conventionality | 
Conversation | 
Conversion | 
Conviction | 
Cooking | 
Cooperation | 
Correction | 
Corruption | 
Cosmetics | 
Cosmos | 
Cost | 
Counsel | 
Country | 
Courage | 
Court | 
Courtesy | 
Courtship | 
Coward and Cowardice | 
Crafts | 
Creation | 
Creativity | 
Credit | 
Credulity | 
Creeds | 
Cries and Crying | 
Crime and Criminals | 
Crisis | 
Critics and Criticism | 
Crowds | 
Cult | 
Culture | 
Cunning | 
Curiosity | 
Curses | 
Custom | 
Customers | 
Cycles | 
Cynics and Cynicism | 
Dance and Dancing | 
Danger | 
Dating | 
Daughters | 
Death and Dying | 
Debate | 
Debt | 
Decadence | 
Decay | 
Deceit | 
Decency | 
Deception | 
Decisions | 
Dedication | 
Deeds and Good Deeds | 
Defeat | 
Defense | 
Definition | 
Delay | 
Delegation | 
Deliberation | 
Delinquency | 
Democracy | 
Denial | 
Dependence | 
Depression | 
Design | 
Desire | 
Despair | 
Desperation | 
Despotism | 
Destiny | 
Destructiveness | 
Detachment | 
Detail | 
Determination | 
Devil | 
Devotions | 
Dictators and Dictatorship | 
Dictionaries | 
Diets and Dieting | 
Difficulties | 
Dignity | 
Diligence | 
Diplomacy | 
Direction | 
Disability | 
Disagreements | 
Disappointments | 
Disapproval | 
Disasters | 
Disciples | 
Discipline | 
Discomfort | 
Discontent | 
Discovery | 
Discretion | 
Disease | 
Disgrace | 
Dishonesty | 
Disillusion | 
Dissatisfaction | 
Dissent | 
Dissipation | 
Distrust | 
Diversity | 
Divinity | 
Divorce | 
Doctors | 
Doctrine | 
Dogs | 
Doubt | 
Draft | 
Drawing | 
Dreams | 
Dress | 
Drivers and Driving | 
Drugs | 
Dullness | 
Duty | 
Earth | 
Eccentricity | 
Ecology | 
Economy and Economics | 
Ecstasy | 
Editing and Editors | 
Education | 
Efficiency | 
Effort | 
Egotism | 
Elections | 
Elegance | 
Eloquence | 
Embarrassment | 
Emotions | 
Empathy | 
Empire | 
Encouragement | 
Ending | 
Ends and Means | 
Endurance | 
Enemies | 
Energy | 
Engagement | 
Engineering | 
Enjoyment | 
Enlightenment | 
Entertainment | 
Enthusiasm | 
Environment | 
Environmentalism | 
Envy | 
Epitaphs | 
Equality | 
Eroticism | 
Escapism | 
Eternity | 
Ethics | 
Etiquette | 
Evangelism | 
Events | 
Evil | 
Evolution | 
Exaggeration | 
Examinations | 
Example | 
Exasperation | 
Excellence | 
Exception | 
Excess | 
Excuses | 
Executives | 
Exercise | 
Exhilaration | 
Exile | 
Existence | 
Expectation | 
Expediency | 
Expenditure | 
Experience | 
Experts | 
Explanations | 
Exploration | 
Expression | 
Extra Mile | 
Extravagance | 
Extremes and Extremists | 
Eyes | 
Faces | 
Facts | 
Fad | 
Failure | 
Faith | 
Faithfulness | 
Fallibility | 
Fame | 
Familiarity | 
Family | 
Famine | 
Famous Last Words | 
Fanatics and Fanaticism | 
Fantasy | 
Farewells | 
Farming and Farmers | 
Fascism | 
Fashion | 
Fasting | 
Fate | 
Fathers | 
Fathers and Sons | 
Fatigue | 
Faults | 
Favors | 
Fear | 
Feelings | 
Fellowship | 
Feminism | 
Fertility | 
Festivals | 
Fiction | 
Fidelity | 
Fights and Fighting | 
Finance | 
Fire | 
Firmness | 
Fishing | 
Flattery | 
Flaws | 
Flirting | 
Flowers | 
Focus | 
Food and Eating | 
Fools and Foolishness | 
Football | 
Force | 
Forgiveness | 
Fortune | 
Frankness | 
Fraud | 
Free Enterprise | 
Free Will | 
Freedom | 
Freedom of Speech | 
Friends and Friendship | 
Frigidity | 
Frustration | 
Fulfillment | 
Fun | 
Function | 
Funerals | 
Futility | 
Gain | 
Gambling | 
Games | 
Gardening and Gardens | 
Gender | 
Generalizations | 
Generals | 
Generations | 
Generosity | 
Genius | 
Gentlemen | 
Gentleness | 
Getting Ahead | 
Gifts | 
Girls | 
Giving | 
Glamour | 
Glory | 
Glutton | 
Goals | 
God | 
Gold | 
Golf | 
Good and Evil | 
Goodness | 
Gospel | 
Gossip | 
Government | 
Grace | 
Grammar | 
Gratitude | 
Grave | 
Gravity | 
Greatness | 
Greed | 
Grief | 
Growth | 
Grudge | 
Guests | 
Guidance | 
Guilt | 
Gullibility | 
Habit | 
Hair | 
Happiness | 
Harmony | 
Haste | 
Hatred | 
Health | 
Heart | 
Heartbreak | 
Heaven | 
Hell | 
Heresy | 
Heritage | 
Heroes and Heroism | 
Hiring | 
his day, Today, was a brimming glass.
History and Historians | 
Hobos | 
Hockey | 
Hollywood | 
Home | 
Honesty | 
Honor | 
Hope | 
Horror | 
Horses | 
Hospitality | 
Hospitals | 
Hostages | 
Hotels | 
Housework | 
Human Fellowship | 
Human Nature | 
Human Rights | 
Human Spirit | 
Humanism | 
Humankind | 
Humility | 
Humor | 
Hunger | 
Hunting | 
Husbands | 
Hygiene | 
Hypocrisy | 
Ideals and Idealism | 
Ideas | 
Identity | 
Ideology | 
Idiots | 
Idleness | 
Idols | 
Ignorance | 
Illiteracy | 
Illness | 
Illusion | 
Image | 
Imagination | 
Imitation | 
Immigration | 
Immortality | 
Impartiality | 
Impatience | 
Importance | 
Impossibility | 
Improvement | 
Impudence | 
Impulse | 
Inaction | 
Income | 
Inconsistency | 
Incredulity | 
Indecision | 
Independence | 
Indifference | 
Individuality | 
Indolence | 
Industry | 
Inequality | 
Inertia | 
Infallibility | 
Infatuation | 
Inferiority | 
Infidelity | 
Infinity | 
Inflation | 
Influence | 
Information | 
Ingratitude | 
Inheritance | 
Inhibition | 
Injury | 
Injustice | 
Innocence | 
Innovation | 
Insanity | 
Insects | 
Insecurity | 
Insensitivity | 
Insights | 
Insignificance | 
Insincerity | 
Insomnia | 
Inspiration | 
Instinct | 
Institutions | 
Insults | 
Insurance | 
Insurance Agents | 
Integrity | 
Intelligence and Intellectuals | 
Intentions | 
Interest | 
Internalization | 
Internet | 
Intervention | 
Interviews | 
Intimacy | 
Intolerance | 
Introspection | 
Intuition | 
Invention and Inventor | 
Investments | 
Involvement | 
IQ Test | 
Irony | 
Irreverence | 
Isolation | 
Jargon | 
Jazz | 
Jealousy | 
Jest | 
Jesus Christ | 
Job | 
Jokes and Jokers | 
Journalism and Journalists | 
Joy | 
Judaism and Jews | 
Judgment and Judges | 
Juries | 
Justice | 
Kindness | 
Kings | 
Kisses and Kissing | 
Knowledge | 
Labor | 
Land | 
Landlords | 
Language | 
Laughter | 
Law and Lawyers | 
Law Suits | 
Laziness | 
Leaders and Leadership | 
Learning | 
Legacy | 
Legend | 
Leisure | 
Letters | 
Liberals | 
Liberty | 
Libraries | 
Lies and Lying | 
Life and Death | 
Life and Living | 
Life, Lust For | 
Light | 
Limitation | 
Listening | 
Literary Criticism | 
Literature | 
Living Together | 
Logic | 
Loneliness | 
Longevity | 
Losers and Losing | 
Love | 
Love At First Sight | 
Love Ended | 
Lovers | 
Loyalty | 
Luck | 
Lust | 
Luxury | 
Machinery | 
Madness | 
Magic | 
Majority | 
Malice | 
Management | 
Manners | 
Market | 
Marriage | 
Martyrdom | 
Marxism | 
Masses | 
Mastery | 
Materialism | 
Mathematics | 
Maturity | 
Maxim | 
Meaning | 
Meaning of Life | 
Media | 
Mediation | 
Medicine | 
Mediocrity | 
Meditation | 
Meetings | 
Melancholy | 
Memory | 
Men | 
Men and Women | 
Mental Illness | 
Mentors | 
Mercy | 
Mergers | 
Merit | 
Metaphor | 
Metaphysics | 
Methods | 
Middle Class | 
Mind | 
Minorities | 
Miracles | 
Misers and Misery | 
Misfortunes | 
Mission | 
Missionaries | 
Mistakes | 
Mobs | 
Models and Modeling | 
Moderation | 
Modern and Modernism | 
Modesty | 
Momentum | 
Money | 
Monopoly | 
Monuments | 
Moon | 
Moralists | 
Morality | 
Mother-in-Laws | 
Mothers | 
Motivation | 
Motives | 
Mountains | 
Movies | 
Multiculturalism | 
Murder | 
Museums and Galleries | 
Music | 
Mystery | 
Mystics and Mysticism | 
Myth | 
Nagging | 
Names | 
Nationalities and Nationalism | 
Nations | 
Nature | 
Necessity | 
Negativity | 
Neglect | 
Negotiation | 
Neighbors | 
Nervousness | 
Neurosis | 
New Beginning | 
New World | 
New Year | 
News | 
Newspapers | 
Nicknames | 
Night | 
Nightmares | 
Noise | 
Nonsense | 
Nonviolence | 
Normality | 
Nostalgia | 
Novelty | 
Nuclear Age | 
Nudity | 
Nuns | 
Obedience | 
Obesity | 
Obligation | 
Obscenity | 
Obscurity | 
Observation | 
Obsession | 
Obstacles | 
Obstinacy | 
Obvious | 
Occupation | 
Oceans | 
Office | 
Oneness | 
Opera | 
Operation | 
Opinions | 
Opponents | 
Opportunity | 
Opposites | 
Opposition | 
Oppression | 
Optimism | 
Order | 
Organization | 
Orgasm | 
Originality | 
Orphan | 
Orthodoxy | 
Ostentation | 
Outcasts | 
Ownership | 
Pain | 
Painters and Painting | 
Paradise | 
Paradox | 
Paranoia | 
Parasites | 
Parents and Parenting | 
Parliament | 
Participation | 
Parties | 
Partnership | 
Passion | 
Past | 
Patience | 
Patriotism | 
Patronage | 
Payment | 
Peace | 
Peace of Mind | 
People | 
People, Other | 
Perception | 
Perfection | 
Performance | 
Persecution | 
Perseverance | 
Personality | 
Perspective | 
Persuasion | 
Pessimism | 
Pettiness | 
Philanthropists | 
Philosophers and Philosophy | 
Photography | 
Physicians | 
Physics | 
Piety | 
Pilgrims | 
Pioneer | 
Pity | 
Places | 
Plagiarism | 
Planets | 
Planning | 
Platitudes | 
Plays | 
Pleasure | 
Poetry and Poets | 
Police | 
Policy | 
Politeness | 
Political Correctness | 
Politicians and Politics | 
Polls | 
Pollution | 
Pope | 
Popular Culture | 
Popularity | 
Population | 
Pornography | 
Portraits | 
Possessions | 
Possibilities | 
Posterity | 
Potential | 
Poverty and The Poor | 
Power | 
Practice | 
Praise | 
Prayer | 
Preachers and Preaching | 
Precedents | 
Prediction | 
Pregnancy | 
Prejudice | 
Preparation | 
Present | 
Presentation | 
President | 
Pressure | 
Prevention | 
Price | 
Pride | 
Principles | 
Priorities | 
Prison | 
Privacy | 
Privilege | 
Problems | 
Procrastination | 
Procreation | 
Production | 
Profanity | 
Professions and Professionals | 
Profits | 
Progress | 
Prohibition | 
Projects | 
Promises | 
Promotion | 
Propaganda | 
Property | 
Prophecy | 
Prosperity | 
Prostitution | 
Protest | 
Proverbs | 
Providence | 
Prudence | 
Psychiatry | 
Psychoanalysis | 
Psychology | 
Public | 
Public Office | 
Public Opinion | 
Publicity | 
Publishing and Publishers | 
Punctuality | 
Punishment | 
Puns | 
Puritans | 
Purity | 
Purpose | 
Pursuit | 
Quality | 
Quarrels | 
Questions | 
Quotations | 
Race and Racism | 
Radicals | 
Rain | 
Rank | 
Rapport | 
Reactionaries | 
Reality | 
Reason | 
Reasonableness | 
Rebellion | 
Recession | 
Recreation | 
Reform | 
Regret | 
Reincarnation | 
Rejection | 
Relationships | 
Relatives | 
Relativity | 
Relaxation | 
Reliance | 
Religion | 
Remedies | 
Remorse | 
Repentance | 
Repetition | 
Repression | 
Republican | 
Reputation | 
Research | 
Resentment | 
Reserve | 
Resignation | 
Resistance | 
Resolution | 
Respectability | 
Responsibility | 
Rest | 
Restraint | 
Results | 
Retirement | 
Revenge | 
Reverie | 
Revolutions and Revolutionaries | 
Rewards | 
Rhetoric | 
Riches | 
Ridicule | 
Right and Rightness | 
Riots | 
Risk | 
Ritual | 
Rivalry | 
Rock and Roll | 
Role Models | 
Romance and Romanticism | 
Royalty | 
Rules | 
Rumors | 
Sacrifice | 
Sadness | 
Safety | 
Saints | 
Sales | 
Salvation | 
Sanity | 
Sarcasm | 
Satisfaction | 
Savings | 
Scandal | 
Scarcity | 
Scholars and Scholarship | 
School | 
Science and Scientists | 
Science Fiction | 
Sculptures | 
Sea | 
Seasons | 
Secrets | 
Security | 
Seduction | 
Self discovery | 
Self-acceptance | 
Self-actualization | 
Self-appraisal | 
Self-approval | 
Self-confidence | 
Self-Conflict | 
Self-conquest | 
Self-control | 
Self-delusion | 
Self-denial | 
Self-discipline | 
self-esteem | 
Self-examination | 
Self-expression | 
Self-image | 
Self-improvement | 
Self-interest | 
Self-knowledge | 
Self-love | 
Self-mastery | 
Self-observation | 
Self-pity | 
Self-praise | 
Self-reliance | 
Self-respect | 
Self-sabotage | 
Self-sacrifice | 
Self-sufficiency | 
Self-talk | 
Self-trust | 
Self-understanding | 
Self-worth | 
Selfishness | 
Sense of Humor | 
Senses | 
Sensitivity | 
Sensuality | 
Sentiment | 
Serenity | 
Seriousness | 
Servants | 
Service | 
Sex | 
Sexuality | 
Shame | 
Show Business | 
Shyness | 
Silence | 
Simplicity | 
Sin | 
Sincerity | 
Skepticism | 
Skill | 
Sky | 
Slander | 
Slang | 
Slavery | 
Sleep | 
Smells | 
Smile | 
Smoking | 
Socializing and Socialism | 
Society | 
Sociology | 
Soldier | 
Solemnity | 
Solitude | 
Solutions | 
Song and Singing | 
Sons | 
Sophistication | 
Sorrow | 
Soul | 
Space | 
Speakers and Speaking | 
Speculation | 
Speech | 
Speed | 
Spirit and Spirituality | 
Spontaneity | 
Sports | 
Spring | 
Stability | 
Stardom | 
State | 
Statistics | 
Status | 
Status Quo | 
Stereotypes | 
Stock Market | 
Story and Story-Telling | 
Strangers | 
Strategies | 
Strength | 
Stress | 
Strikes | 
Struggle | 
Stubbornness | 
Students | 
Studying | 
Stupidity | 
Style | 
Submission | 
Success | 
Suffering | 
Suggestion | 
Suicide | 
Sun | 
Superiority | 
Superstition | 
Support | 
Surprises | 
Survival | 
Suspicion | 
Swearing | 
Sweat | 
Symbols | 
Sympathy | 
Systems | 
Taboos | 
Tact and Tactfulness | 
Talent | 
Talkativeness | 
Tardiness | 
Taste | 
Taxes and Taxation | 
Tea | 
Teachers and Teaching | 
Teams and Teamwork | 
Tears | 
Techniques | 
Technology | 
Television | 
Temper | 
Temperament | 
Temptation | 
Ten Commandments | 
Tenderness | 
Tennis | 
Tension | 
Terrorism | 
The future | 
The West | 
Theater | 
Theology | 
Theory | 
Things and Little Things | 
Third World | 
Thoughts and Thinking | 
Thrift | 
Time and Time Management | 
Timidity | 
Tolerance | 
Tomorrow | 
Tools | 
top all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Torture | 
Totalitarianism | 
Town and Country | 
Trade | 
Trade Unions | 
Tradition | 
Tragedies | 
Training | 
Trains | 
Tranquility | 
Translation | 
Transportation | 
Travel and Tourism | 
Treason | 
Treaties | 
Treatment | 
Trials | 
Trouble | 
Trust | 
Truth | 
Trying | 
Twentieth Century | 
Tycoons | 
Tyranny | 
Ugliness | 
Uncategorised | 
Uncertainty | 
Understanding | 
Unemployment | 
Unhappiness | 
Uniforms | 
Uniqueness | 
United Nations | 
Unity | 
Universe | 
Unknown | 
Upbringing | 
Upper Class | 
Utopia | 
Vacation | 
Valor | 
Value | 
Vanity | 
Variety | 
Vegetarianism | 
Vengeance | 
Vice | 
Victims | 
Victory | 
Vigilance | 
Villains | 
Violence | 
Virginity | 
Virtue | 
Vision | 
Visualization | 
Vitality | 
Vocabulary | 
Vocation | 
Voice | 
Voting | 
Vow | 
Vulgarity | 
Wages | 
Walking | 
Want | 
War | 
War and Peace | 
Waste | 
Water | 
Weakness | 
Wealth | 
Weapons | 
Weather | 
Weddings | 
Weekends | 
Welfare | 
Wickedness | 
Widowhood | 
Wilderness | 
Will and Will Power | 
Wind | 
Wine | 
Winners and Winning | 
Winter | 
Wisdom | 
Wish and Wishing | 
Wit | 
Wives | 
Women | 
Wonder | 
Wordiness | 
Words | 
Work | 
Work, Hard | 
Working Class | 
World | 
Worry | 
Worship | 
Worth | 
Writers and Writing | 
Wrong | 
Youth | 
Zeal | 
Zen | 
Zest |