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Dictionary of Quotes : Your source for quotations from famous people and literature.
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The Website was created by Frédéric Jézégou 8 rue de la Caserne - Batiment E - Appartement 26 - 44600 Saint-Nazaire - France . All rights reserved. Copyright 2008.
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Top Proverbs
African Proverb American Indian Proverb Arabian Proverb Chinese Proverb Danish Proverb English Proverb French Proverb Greek Proverb Hasidic Proverb Hebrew Proverb Indian Proverb Italian Proverb Latin Proverb Persian Proverb Portuguese Proverb Spanish Proverb Turkish Proverb Yiddish Proverb
Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. [ Simone De Beauvoir ]