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25/11/24 - noun: Self-fertilization, for example, of a flower by its own pollen.

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Discover 38740 new quotes.

Ein arrivierter Mann: Einer, der sich jemand zum Rasenmähen nimmt und dann Golf spielen geht, weil er Bewegung braucht. (Anonym)
Ein arrivierter Mann: Einer, der sich jemand
2017-09-30 00:11:11

"The past always looks better than it was. It's only pleasant because it isn't here." ~Finley Peter Dunne
Finley Peter Dunne - past
2017-09-29 03:38:00

?"Every time one laughs a nail is removed from one's coffin." ~Honduran Proverb ?
Proverb For Today: Honduran Proverb
2017-09-29 03:33:00

"Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." ~Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Dr. Laura Schlessinger - time
2017-09-29 03:20:00

Ahnenforscher ist ein Mann, der den Spuren deiner Familie folgt, soweit dein Geld reicht. (Anonym)
Ahnenforscher ist ein Mann, der den Spuren
2017-09-28 00:11:14

"He's quite eloquent. Whether you agree with him or disagree with him, he's a very engaging, intelligent guy." - Kirk Jowers
"He's quite eloquent. Whether you agree with him or disagree with him, he's a very engaging, intelligent guy." - Kirk Jowers
2017-09-26 17:50:55

"The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations." - Eli Khamarov
"The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations." - Eli Khamarov
2017-09-26 06:49:34

"Learn as though you would never be able to master it; Hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it; Hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
2017-09-24 15:43:29

"You can't base your life on other people's expectations." - Stevie Wonder
"You can't base your life on other people's expectations." - Stevie Wonder
2017-09-24 14:39:30

"How to Get Back Lost Love | +91-9501666690" - Anil Aghori
"How to Get Back Lost Love | +91-9501666690" - Anil Aghori
2017-09-24 13:42:52

"One can rarely achieve greatness on the path of less resistance." ~Wes Fesler
Wes Fesler - path
2017-09-23 13:55:00

"The race does not always go to the swift, but to the ones who keep running." ~Marcus Lamb
Marcus Lamb - race
2017-09-23 12:33:00

"Nationalism is reflected in disapproval, aversion, and even resistance to foreign cultures." ~Benson Bautista
Benson Bautista- Nationalism
2017-09-23 11:57:00

"Unity is oneness in purpose, not sameness of persons." ~Tony Evans
Tony Evans - unity
2017-09-23 10:55:00

"Life is a journey. If you fall in love with the journey, you will fall in love forever" ~Peter Haggerty
Peter Haggerty - journey
2017-09-23 10:49:00

"The runaway 100 percent effectiveness that's touted by proponents was nowhere to be seen." - Tom Jefferson
"The runaway 100 percent effectiveness that's touted by proponents was nowhere to be seen." - Tom Jefferson
2017-09-23 06:36:31

"The increased production being touted by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait is not going to be enough to dent the price," - Adrian Schmidt
"The increased production being touted by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait is not going to be enough to dent the price," - Adrian Schmidt
2017-09-23 01:34:36

"First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"First and last, what is demanded of genius is love of truth." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
2017-09-22 16:11:23

"I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, 'What are you?'"
Grace Hopper quotes
Grace Hopper
2017-09-22 08:10:13

Die Wahrheit ist, es hat niemals auf der Welt viele bemerkenswerte Leute gegeben. Die meisten stützen sich ständig auf den Typ gerade neben ihnen - und fragen, was sie tun sollen. (Woody Allen)
Die Wahrheit ist, es hat niemals auf der
2017-09-22 00:10:58

"You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee." - Napoleon Hill
"You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee." - Napoleon Hill
2017-09-21 05:27:16

Gewisse Bücher scheinen geschrieben zu sein, nicht damit man daraus lerne, sondern damit man wisse, daß der Verfasser etwas gewußt hat. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Gewisse Bücher scheinen geschrieben zu sein,
2017-09-21 00:10:55

"Fear may induce the show of submission; but love only can truly subjugate a haughty spirit." - Mary Cowden Clarke
"Fear may induce the show of submission; but love only can truly subjugate a haughty spirit." - Mary Cowden Clarke
2017-09-20 20:10:58

"I have come to believe that giving and receiving are really the same. Giving and receiving - not giving and taking."
Joyce Grenfell quotes
Joyce Grenfell
2017-09-20 02:00:00

Das Barbarische ist für mich ein Verjüngungsmittel. (Paul Gauguin)
Das Barbarische ist für mich ein Verjüngungsmittel.
2017-09-20 00:10:56

"The man who can drive himself farther once the effort gets painful, is the man who will win." ~Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister - man
2017-09-19 09:38:00

“Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” ~Thomas L. Holdcroft
Thomas L. Holdcroft - grindstone
2017-09-19 09:33:00

"So much of who we are is where we gave been." ~William Langewiesche
William Langewiesche - who we are
2017-09-18 17:07:00

"One of the most powerful force that shapes us as human beings is the desire to leave a legacy. What legacy would you leave behind?" ~Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter - legacy
2017-09-17 19:17:00

"If you really must do something right now, my advice is to go for a walk." ~Harold Mitchell, SMH Business Columnist
Harold Mitchell - advice
2017-09-17 19:17:00

"Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them." ~Russel Conwell
Russel Conwell - diamonds
2017-09-17 18:40:00

"Success comes from having dreams that are bigger than your fears." ~Terry Litwiller
Terry Litwiller - dreams bigger than fears
2017-09-17 18:39:00

"Good listening is the key to developing fresh insights and ideas that fuel success." ~Bernard Ferrari, author of Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of Alt
Bernard Ferrari - on listening
2017-09-17 18:39:00

"Better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills." -William A. Ward
William A. Ward - mountain
2017-09-16 04:20:00

"The pluses are all on the Bella Vista side. (Bella Vista) wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel over a period of years, which gets expensive." - Ed Clifford
"The pluses are all on the Bella Vista side. (Bella Vista) wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel over a period of years, which gets expensive." - Ed Clifford
2017-09-16 18:04:15

"We've been swinging the bats, and we got decent pitching, two nice pluses to have." - Dave Moates
"We've been swinging the bats, and we got decent pitching, two nice pluses to have." - Dave Moates
2017-09-16 16:01:09

Bei Weibern ist die Liebe so oft eine Tochter als die Mutter der Eifersucht. (Ludwig Börne)
Bei Weibern ist die Liebe so oft eine Tochter
2017-09-15 00:10:55

“Concentrated attention is the collection of units of power on a chosen point of intention.” ~James Arthur Ray
James Arthur Ray - attention
2017-09-14 22:23:00

Es gibt Gedanken und Empfindungen, die auf fettem Boden nicht wachsen. (Matthias Claudius)
Es gibt Gedanken und Empfindungen, die auf
2017-09-13 00:10:55

"A sedentary life is the real sin against the Holy Spirit. Only those thoughts that come by walking have any value." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"A sedentary life is the real sin against the Holy Spirit. Only those thoughts that come by walking have any value." - Friedrich Nietzsche
2017-09-12 06:36:42

Alle freien Menschen, wo immer sie leben mögen, sind Bürger dieser Stadt West-Berlin, und deshalb bin ich als freier Mann stolz darauf, sagen zu können: 'Ich bin ein Berliner! (John F. Kennedy)
Alle freien Menschen, wo immer sie leben
2017-09-10 00:10:59

2017-09-09 23:26:30

2017-09-09 16:38:13

"You see behind the masks and beneath the fears to the beauty within every heart." ~Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson - mask
2017-09-08 13:57:00

Alles zu seiner Zeit. (Georg Friedrich I. (Brandenburg-Ansbach))
Alles zu seiner Zeit.
2017-09-08 00:10:56

"Shared joys make a friend, not shared sufferings" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Shared joys make a friend, not shared sufferings" - Friedrich Nietzsche
2017-09-07 06:10:58

"In the silence of nature you hear your own voice." ~Sarah Willoughby
Sarah Willoughby - silence
2017-09-06 15:28:00

"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." ~Paul Wellstone
Paul Wellstone - walk your talk
2017-09-06 03:45:00

"Every time you wake up and ask yourself, What good things am I going to do today?, remember that when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it." ~Indian Proverb
A THOUGHT TO PONDER: Good Things I Do Today
2017-09-06 02:07:00

Die Erziehung ist der beste Freund der Entwicklung des Menschen. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
Die Erziehung ist der beste Freund der Entwicklung
2017-09-05 00:10:54

Glückliche Verhältnisse lassen zumeist den Fehler, ungünstige aber die Tugenden der Menschen an den Tag kommen. (Francis Bacon)
Glückliche Verhältnisse lassen zumeist den
2017-09-04 00:10:58

"Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy."
Jacques Maritain quotes
Jacques Maritain
2017-09-03 02:00:00

Die Visionäre von gestern sind die Realisten von heute. (Helmut Kohl)
Die Visionäre von gestern sind die Realisten von heute.
2017-09-03 00:10:56

Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass
2017-09-01 00:11:00

"And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh." - Bible
"And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh." - Bible
2017-08-31 21:48:48

"But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day." - Bible
"But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day." - Bible
2017-08-31 21:08:28

"We've had boilers getting overworked, filters plugged on furnaces, and a gas regulator that went bad on another one." - Ron Hume
"We've had boilers getting overworked, filters plugged on furnaces, and a gas regulator that went bad on another one." - Ron Hume
2017-08-31 17:51:07

"Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later." ~?Dana Stewart Scott?
?Dana Stewart Scott? - on learning
2017-08-31 13:27:00

"True obedience is giving ourselves entirely to Him and allowing Him to chart our course both in calm waters and in troubled ones." ~Von G. Keetch
Von G. Keetch - obedience
2017-08-31 10:51:00

"The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm" - Charles Caleb Colton
"The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm" - Charles Caleb Colton
2017-08-31 03:45:09

Es hat sich bewährt, an das Gute im Menschen zu glauben, aber sich auf das Schlechte zu verlassen. (Alfred Polgar)
Es hat sich bewährt, an das Gute im Menschen
2017-08-29 00:11:08

“It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to."
Luc Godard - to and fro
2017-08-28 04:48:00

"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses, it is an idea that possesses the mind!" ~Robert Oxton Bolton
Robert Oxton Bolton - mind
2017-08-27 05:24:00

"Behind the mask of indifference is bottomless misery and behind apparent callousness, despair." ~John Bowlby
John Bowlby - Mask of indifference
2017-08-27 04:54:00

Wir leben in einer Zeit vollkommener Mittel und verworrener Ziele. (Albert Einstein)
Wir leben in einer Zeit vollkommener Mittel
2017-08-27 00:11:01

Egal wie tief man die Messlatte des geistigen Verstandes eines Menschen legt, es gibt jeden Tag jemanden, der bequem darunter durchlaufen kann!
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte des geistigen
2017-08-26 00:11:01

Es ließe sich alles trefflich schlichten, Könnte man die Sachen zweimal verrichten. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Es ließe sich alles trefflich schlichten,
2017-08-25 00:11:06

"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." ~Aaron Siskind
Aaron Siskind - Photography
2017-08-24 16:28:00

"There is equally noi need for us to have an opinion on everything. A lot of times, keeping your mouth shut and learning to observe in silence could be the smartest singular thing to do." ~WAC
2017-08-24 15:52:00

“One writes to make a home for oneself, on paper, in time and in others' minds.” ~Alfred Kazin
Alfred Kazin - on Writing
2017-08-24 14:43:00

“They castrate the books of other men in order that with the fat of their works they may lard their own lean volumes.” ~Paulus Jovius (also known as Paolo Giovio, Italian Physician, Historian,)
Paulus Jovius - books
2017-08-24 14:31:00

"A great pilot can sail even when his canvas is rent" - Seneca
"A great pilot can sail even when his canvas is rent" - Seneca
2017-08-24 13:20:15

"The key to all strange things is in thy heart..../ My spirit has come home, that sailed the doubtful seas." - Countee Cullen
"The key to all strange things is in thy heart..../ My spirit has come home, that sailed the doubtful seas." - Countee Cullen
2017-08-24 12:19:06

"It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage." - George William Curtis
"It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage." - George William Curtis
2017-08-24 11:18:12

"Thats what a ship is, you know. Its not a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. Thats what a ship needs. But what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is . . . is freedom." - Johnny Depp
"Thats what a ship is, you know. Its not a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. Thats what a ship needs. But what a ship is. What the Black Pearl really is . . . is freedom." - Johnny Depp
2017-08-24 03:33:51

Wenn ein Autor behauptet, sein Leserkreis habe sich verdoppelt, liegt der Verdacht nahe, daß der Mann geheiratet hat. (Max Aitken, 1. Baron Beaverbrook)
Wenn ein Autor behauptet, sein Leserkreis
2017-08-24 00:11:15

"This Shit Is Easy-Peasy, Pumpkin-Peasy....Pumpkin Pie Motherf***ers." - Gerard Way
"This Shit Is Easy-Peasy, Pumpkin-Peasy....Pumpkin Pie Motherf***ers." - Gerard Way
2017-08-23 22:17:26

"In the past six months, we've gotten a much larger piece of a much smaller pie." - David Jacobson
"In the past six months, we've gotten a much larger piece of a much smaller pie." - David Jacobson
2017-08-23 18:32:51

"After verification, we found the reports concerning Ugandan incursions (into Congo) to be credible." - Kemal Saiki
"After verification, we found the reports concerning Ugandan incursions (into Congo) to be credible." - Kemal Saiki
2017-08-23 12:15:46

"The mistletoe hung in the castle hall, / The holly branch shone on the old oak wall." - Thomas Haynes Bayly
"The mistletoe hung in the castle hall, / The holly branch shone on the old oak wall." - Thomas Haynes Bayly
2017-08-23 06:34:46

Bildung kommt von Bildschirm und nicht von Buch, sonst hieße es ja Buchung. (Dieter Hildebrandt)
Bildung kommt von Bildschirm und nicht von
2017-08-20 00:11:00

"Give people time. Give people space. Don’t beg anyone to stay. Let them roam. What’s meant for you will always be yours." ~Reyna Biddy
Reyna Biddy - people
2017-08-19 22:46:00

"Every philosophy is the philosophy of some stage of life." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Every philosophy is the philosophy of some stage of life." - Friedrich Nietzsche
2017-08-19 12:54:01

Gefährlich ist's, den Leu zu wecken, verderblich ist des Tigers Zahn, jedoch der schrecklichste der Schrecken, das ist der Mensch in seinem Wahn. (Friedrich Schiller)
Gefährlich ist's, den Leu zu wecken, verderblich
2017-08-19 00:10:57

"Do not fall prey to the false belief that mastery and domination are synonymous with manliness."
Kent Nerburn quotes
Kent Nerburn
2017-08-18 02:00:00

Hängt die Armee vom Volk ab, so hängt schließlich die Regierung von der Armee ab. (Antoine de Rivarol)
Hängt die Armee vom Volk ab, so hängt schließlich
2017-08-18 00:10:55

"For better or for worse no one can erase history however; we can learn not to repeat the bad events again if we are wise - Sylvia Morgan" - Sylvia Morgan
"For better or for worse no one can erase history however; we can learn not to repeat the bad events again if we are wise - Sylvia Morgan" - Sylvia Morgan
2017-08-17 07:48:47

Der Fortgang der wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung ist im Endeffekt eine ständige Flucht vor dem Staunen. (Albert Einstein)
Der Fortgang der wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung
2017-08-17 00:11:06

Wenn die Mütter sich bemühen würden ihre Kinder selbst zu stillen, so würden sich die Sitten von selbst bessern. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Wenn die Mütter sich bemühen würden ihre
2017-08-16 00:11:00

"There is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out." ~James Randi
James Randi - difference
2017-08-14 11:28:00

"Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years." ~Ausonius

Ausonius - old age
2017-08-14 10:59:00

"The only reason the grass may look greener on the other side is because it’s fake grass." ~Anon
A THOUGHT TO PONDER: green grass
2017-08-14 00:19:00

"They will never go gently into the night. There is no good night for those who betrayed and robbed the nation blind from Day One of its fight for freedom." ~Nelson Navarro
Nelson Navarro - freedom
2017-08-14 00:10:00

“There will come a time that the poorest of the poor will no longer be squatters in this country’. ~Prince Julian Morden Tallano
Prince Julian Morden Tallano - time
2017-08-14 00:01:00

“Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.” ~Larry Bird
Larry Bird - buzzer sound
2017-08-13 23:21:00

“Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.” ~Slovenian Proverb
PROVERB For TODAY: Slovenian Proverb
2017-08-13 22:55:00

"To a mother, a child is everything, but to a child, parents are only a link in the chain of their existence." ~Felix Ortega
Felix Ortega - chain of existence
2017-08-12 14:18:00

"And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin." - Bible
"And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin." - Bible
2017-08-12 02:20:07

"He's the pulse. I don't know how bad it is, but it could be devastating." - Troy Vincent
"He's the pulse. I don't know how bad it is, but it could be devastating." - Troy Vincent
2017-08-11 14:24:35

"The physician who killed me, Neither bled, purge or pilled me, Nor counted my pulse but it comes to the same, In the height of my fever I thought of his name" - Nicarchus
"The physician who killed me, Neither bled, purge or pilled me, Nor counted my pulse but it comes to the same, In the height of my fever I thought of his name" - Nicarchus
2017-08-11 12:24:33

Page 20 from 388 pages.

So long as a person is capable of self-renewal they are a living being.
[ Henri Frederic Amiel ]