[ laws Quotes ]

Showing search results for Laws Quotes - 66 quotes about Laws - Dictionary Quotes

Good laws make it easier to do right and harder to do wrong.
Law and Lawyers
William E. Gladstone

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The English laws punish vice; the Chinese laws do more, they reward virtue.
Law and Lawyers
Oliver Goldsmith

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The whole effort of a sincere man is to erect his personal impressions into laws.
Critics and Criticism
Remy De Gourmont

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If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers.
Law and Lawyers
Edward F. Halifax

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A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit.
George Herbert

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Laws teach us to know when we commit injury and when we suffer it.
Law and Lawyers

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The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, for we that live to please, must please to live.
Samuel Johnson

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Decency is the least of all laws, but yet it is the law which is most strictly observed.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

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Laws are felt only when the individual comes into conflict with them.
Law and Lawyers
Suzanne Lafollette

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Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.
C. S. Lewis

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Laws are the sovereigns of sovereigns.
Law and Lawyers
Louis XIV

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Equal laws protecting equal rights the best guarantee of loyalty & love of country.
James Madison

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Where there is a will there is a lawsuit.
Will and Will Power
Addison Mizner

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It would be better to have no laws at all, than to have too many.
Law and Lawyers
Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

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The way of the world is to make laws, but follow custom.
Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

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The severity of the laws prevents their execution.
Law and Lawyers
Charles De Montesquieu

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Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.
Law and Lawyers
Charles De Montesquieu

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Petty laws breed great crimes.
Law and Lawyers

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Laws are subordinate to custom.
Titus Maccius Plautus

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Curse on all laws, but those that love has made.
Law and Lawyers
Alexander Pope

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Like Cato, give his little senate laws, and sit attentive to his own applause.
Alexander Pope

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Better a lean agreement than a fat lawsuit.

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The more laws the less justice.
Law and Lawyers

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The miracle on earth are the laws of heaven.
Jean Paul Richter

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Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your rejection of the natural laws.
Jim Rohn

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Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
[ Research ] Wernher Von Braun